1. You may ONLY use 26", 27.5" or 29"
wheeled mountain bikes. (You must start, and complete the entire race with your
entire bike)
2. You may ride, push or carry your bike the entire
course, but are not allowed to block a fellow competitor.
3. No cyclo-cross bikes, touring bikes or road bikes
4. Helmets are compulsory.
5. Shoes or footwear covering the entire foot are
compulsory and must be worn throughout the entire race.
6. The prepared racing number plates are to be used in
the front of the bikes. Number plates are to be secured to the bike with the
provided zip ties; you may ALSO use any other form of attachment.
7. Bending, cutting or modifying of prepared number
plates is strictly not allowed. No replacement will be made available. This
practice will result in immediate disqualification without enquiry.
8. All cloth race number tags will need to be placed
on the lower back of your jersey and right thigh.
9. Any width-sized tires may be used. Competitors may
use semi slick tires but NO road slick tires.
10. All competitors are to be responsible for any of
your own mechanical breakdowns or issues arising on the trail/track. ie: flat
tire, broken chain, broken seat-post, etc.
11. To be eligible FOR prize money, you MUST FINISH the
designated amount of laps.
12. Rules will be applied but due discretion will also
be exercised on a case to case basis.
1. All competitors can seals mechanical assistance for
any mechanical breakdowns or issues arising on the trail/track. i.e: flat tire,
broken chain, broken seat-post, etc.
2. You may NOT seek any form of external mechanical
assistance from your team management or supporters outside of the race.
3. There will be a designated feed zone, where team
management or team personnel with an official team tag (that has been issued by
the “1BIKE4U CARNIVAL 2014” Race Secretariat) may hand out water, refreshments
or assistance to riders in this designated feed zone.
4. Mechanical assistance can only be provided by your
team mechanic with an official team tag (that has been issued by the “1BIKE4U
CARNIVAL 2014” Secretariat) at the designated feed zone.
5. Handing out of aid or mechanical assistance must be
6. Competitors may receive verbal mechanical
assistance but NO physical mechanical assistance ie : changing of a flat tire
will need to be done by rider involved only, spares provided for by team
7. Competitors found accepting or receiving physical
assistance may be disqualified from the race.
8. Team management or personnel are NOT allowed to run
alongside competitors or block other competitors from receiving aide. Doing so
may result in your own team rider being disqualified from the race.
9. Failure to finish the race either due to
mechanical or injury will render the competitor a 'Did Not Finish' (DNF)
1. To win prize money you MUST COMPLETE the amount of
laps in each categories.
2. In the case of two or more categories merging into
one category, the prize money of that merged category will follow the lower of
the two categories.
1. Please be at the race start area 25 minutes, before
start time. You will need to SIGN IN at the designated sheet next to your name
and number.
2. If you do NOT sign in, you will NOT receive
an official classification and timing, resulting in no placing.
3. Team management are STRICTLY PROHIBITED from
signing in for fellow competitors.
4. Race management will NOT be announcing individual
names or numbers.
5. Race management will announce your racing
category and you will need to report to the holding area. And go through the
above process.
6. Once you have reported in, it will be your
responsibility, to listen for the following:1st announcement - 15 min to go
/ 2nd announcement - 10 min to go / 3rd & final announcement - 5
min (competitors to move to START line)
7. Subsequently the countdown will be 3 minutes, 2
minutes, 1 minute, 30 seconds, 15 seconds. The air horn may sound at any point
after the last 15 sec announcement.
8. Late entries will not be entertained nor
entry fee refunded.
9. Upon FINISHING the race you are to SIGN OUT at the
transponder or sign out area. In the absence of your signing out signature, you
will not be given any official classification.
10. Team management are STRICTLY PROHIBITED from
signing out for fellow competitors.
11. Race management’s decision is final
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